Chichen Itza hours

Chichen Itza hours are from 8 am to 5 pm daily throughout the year except Christmas and New Year.

These Chichen Itza timings may vary on special occasions like Chichen Itza Equinox.

The Chichen Itza entry time is at 8 am. However, most of the tour buses for Chichen Itza from Playa del Carmen, Cancun, Valladolid arrive at the attraction by 10 am.

The Chichen Itza closing hours are 5 pm, with the last entry at 4 pm.

With special night tickets, visitors can witness a fantastic Chichen Itza light and sound show after closing.

Here are the Chichen Itza opening hours for your convenience:

Day Chichen Itza TimingsLast entry
Monday to Sunday8 am to 5 pm4 pm

When is Chichen Itza closed?

There are a few special occasions when Chichen Itza remains closed, like Christmas and New Year. 

Apart from these days, Chichen Itza visiting hours are from 8 am to 5 pm, even during weekends, public holidays etc.

Extended Chichen Itza Hours

The Chichen Itza timings can extend during certain days, especially Equinox, when you can watch the Snake Shadow on the Temple of Kukulkan.

Visitors can also explore the Chichen Itza at night to witness the light and sound show.

All the historical structures, the Main Pyramid, El Castillo, look even more enchanting under the moonlight and various colorful lighting. 

Note: Regardless of what time you visit, you must give yourself adequate time to explore Chichen Itza and learn about its fascinating history. 
Visitors should also know about the best time to visit Chichen Itza


What is the schedule for Chichen Itza?

Chichen Itza’s opening hours are usually from 8 am to 5 pm throughout the week, from Monday to Sunday, with the last entry at 4 pm. 

Mexican Nationals can get free access on Sunday. 

How early can you go to Chichen Itza?

You can go to Chichen Itza as soon as it opens, at 8 am in the morning, by opting for the early access tickets to Chichen Itza

You can use the skip-the-line Chichen Itza tickets for your preferred time slot.

When is Chichén Itzá closed?

Apart from a few festivals and occasions like Christmas and New Year’s Eve, Chichen Itza is open throughout the year, 365 days.
The Chichen Itza hours of operation are from 8 am to 5 pm on all days of the week.
Purchase Chichen Itza tickets in advance to avoid crowds at the entrance and find amazing discounts. 

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