Xcaret Park is located around 75 kilometers (47 miles) south of Cancun and 6.5 kilometers (4 miles) south of the nearest significant settlement, Playa del Carmen.
To be exact the location of Xcaret Park is: Carretera Chetúmal Puerto Juárez Kilómetro 282, Solidaridad, 77710 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico. Get Directions on Google Maps.
If you’re wondering about how to get to Xcaret Park, we have got you covered.
There are several ways to reach Xcaret Park, depending on your starting point and preferences.
Here are some of the easiest ways to reach Xcaret Park:
How to get to Xcaret Park via public transportation:
The easiest way to reach Xcaret Park by public transportation is to take a bus.
There are several bus companies that run between Cancun and Playa del Carmen, including ADO and Mayab.
Once you arrive at the Playa del Carmen bus station, you can take a taxi or Colectivo (shared shuttle) to the park.
How to reach via Taxi
Taxis are readily available throughout the Riviera Maya region, and you can arrange for a taxi to take you directly to Xcaret Park.
This option can be more expensive than taking a bus or colectivo, but the convenience it provides is worth the money spent.
How to reach via Tour
Many tour companies offer packages that include transportation to and from Xcaret Park and admission to the park itself.
This can be a convenient option if you’re staying at a hotel and want to avoid the hassle of arranging transportation on your own.
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Featured Image: Xcaret.com