What to See at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex

Visitors to the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex (KSCVC) can discover the history of space exploration and learn about the space race.

From exciting launches to unique exhibits, Kennedy Space Center has some of the best experiences and things to see that are everywhere.

Upon entering, you’ll read “EXPLORE,” inviting you to discover its diverse attractions.

You can see the first building, Heroes and Legends, dedicated to the NASA Veterans, and Rocket Garden, featuring sky-high rockets outside.

Afterward, you can head off to the Kennedy Space Center Bus Tour, which will take you to the Apollo/Saturn V Center.

The KSC Center has a lot of other attractions, like Astronaut Encounter, NASA Now+Next, Journey and more.

You can also watch an IMAX Space film after the visit!

The article walks you through these attractions and shares information about must-sees at the center.

Kennedy Space Center tickets include visits to most of these attractions.

Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex Suggested Itinerary

Following is the suggested itinerary for visiting the Kennedy Space Center:

AttractionTime required
Heroes and Legends, featuring the US Astronaut Hall of Fame, presented by Boeing30 minutes
Rocket Garden15 minutes
Astronaut Encounter45 minutes
Apollo/Saturn V Center via the Kennedy Space Center Bus Tour2 hours
Space Shuttle Atlantis with Shuttle Launch Experience2 hours
IMAX Space Film1 hour
Journey to Mars: Explorers Wanted30 minutes
Dining and shopping1 hour
Planet Play (for kids)30 minutes

The Top Kennedy Space Center Must-See Attractions

Here are some things to see at Kennedy Space Center that are considered surreal and a must-see by visitors.

Astronaut Encounter in kennedy Space center

Astronaut Encounter

Each day at the KSC Visitor Complex, visitors get a unique opportunity to meet veteran NASA astronauts.

During the astronaut encounter, pilots, commanders, mission specialists, and payload specialists have a live presentation.

They share stories and experiences about living and working. After this, there is a question-and-answer session.

Rocket Garden  

Rocket Garden  

The Rocket Garden is an outdoor exhibit showcasing real rockets once launched into space. 

Visitors can walk among the giant rockets of NASA’s Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs. 

It is one of the most photographed locations in the center. Don’t forget to pose alongside the towering rockets.

Space Shuttle Atlantis in kennedy space center

Space Shuttle: Atlantis

A must-see at the visitor complex is the Space Shuttle Atlantis. Atlantis is a retired Space Shuttle orbiter that belongs to NASA.

It is displayed as it was in space. The entire attraction pays tribute to NASA’s 30-year Space Shuttle Program.

Make sure you devote enough time to exploring this remarkable exhibit.

Saturn V Rocket

Saturn V Rocket

Hop on the Kennedy Space Center Bus Tour and head to the Apollo/Saturn V Center, also called the Race to the Moon.

As you stand beneath the massive Saturn V rocket, the largest rocket ever to fly in space, prepare to be amazed.

Also, see exhibits that bring the Apollo era to life, celebrating the incredible accomplishment of landing on the Moon.

Watch a Rocket Launch

Launches in Florida occur either at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station or Kennedy Space Center.

The Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex provides the nearest public viewpoint for observing rocket launches.

Visitors can enjoy launch commentary while sitting in bleachers. 

Planning your visit to the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex during a scheduled launch window is essential to maximizing your chances of seeing a rocket launch.

Heroes and Legends Kennedy Space Center

Heroes and Legends Kennedy Space Center

This is the first attraction inside the center. There, you see the journey through the eyes of the famous Gemini, Apollo, and other astronauts.

The environment comes alive with vibrant visuals and sounds. You also get the chance to click pictures with the electronic display of the heroes.

What’s Inside: This area comprises exciting sections like the US Astronaut Hall of Fame, Rocket Garden, and Astronaut Encounter.

NASA Now+Next 

NASA Now+Next 

The Now+Next area showcases the most recent breakthroughs, innovative technologies, and ideas shaping our planet.

It has interactive exhibitions on space, renewable energy, and other emerging topics.

What’s Inside: This area comprises sections like Gateway, Journey to Mars, Spaceport, IMAX Theater, and many more.

Race To The Moon andApollo Saturn V Center

Race To The Moon/Apollo Saturn V Center

The Race to the Moon exhibit graphically depicts the fierce struggle among nations to reach the moon’s surface.

It recognizes the heroism and determination of the astronauts who prepared the way for humanity’s first moon trip.

What’s Inside: Experience the journey to the Moon and back in the Lunar Theater and touch things brought to Earth by the Apollo mission.

Shuttle  A Ship Like No Other

Shuttle: A Ship Like No Other

The “Shuttle: A Ship Like No Other” exhibit at Kennedy Space Center acknowledges the legendary Space Shuttle Atlantis.

It also exhibits the space suits of astronauts who traveled into space on board these incredible machines.

What’s Inside: It comprises the best things to see at Kennedy, Space Shuttle Atlantis, and the Hubble Space Telescope Theater, which gives a shuttle launch experience.


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Featured Image: Kennedyspacecenter.com

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