A wonderful world of color unfolds at the Tropical Aquarium. 

This aquarium houses tropical shark species, some living in coral reefs, and others hunting for food in the open sea. 

Another pool is dedicated to the vibrant diversity of tropical coral reefs, notably the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia, and another to the fish and other aquatic inhabitants of tropical atolls. 

The residents, which can be found in the Red Sea and the Caribbean Sea, can be seen in two basins, like the tropical poison fish and aggressively attacking fish.

Note: To explore the tropical aquarium, don’t miss out on Barcelona Aquarium tickets, offering fantastic discounts and combo deals.

Tropical Sharks

Sharks are fish found in practically every sea on the planet, from the tropics’ warm waters to the poles’ freezing waters.

A diverse range of sharks congregate in tropical seas: some spend most of their time resting on coral reefs, while others swim continually in open waters in search of food.

Animals and Essential Information

The two main fish featured are the Zebra Shark and the Blacktip Reef Shark, both of which are carnivores.

The Zebra Shark has a length of 314 cm and is a nocturnal species. To identify these sharks, look for dark brown or black bodies with white stripes, which fade as they mature, transitioning to brown spots on a yellowish-brown body.

During the day, they can be found resting at the bottom of the tank,  lying on their pectoral (side fins) or slowly swimming around.

On the other hand, Blacktip Reef Shark measures up to 122 cm and is diurnal. It has an elongated, cylindrical grey body with a predominantly white belly.

These sharks cannot stop swimming; like other sharks, they breathe passively, which means they must swim continuously to breathe, and if they stop, they will drown.

Tropical Atoll

Tropical atolls are ring-shaped coral reefs in the Indian Ocean. Inside, there is a lagoon of warm, tranquil water.

The tropical atoll is the most famous coral reef, recognized for its distinctive ring form and core lagoon, which has warm waters ranging from 30 to 80 meters. 

Animals and Essential Information

The Clown Triggerfish, measuring approximately 50 cm, is a carnivorous species active during the day. 

It features a distinctive appearance with a black and brown top body adorned with yellow spots, while its mouth is highlighted in yellow. 

On the other hand, the Gray Bamboo Shark, which can reach lengths of about 77 cm, is a nocturnal carnivore. 

Its body showcases various shades, from brownish-gray to cream, with a lighter underside. 

Despite being consumed by humans and utilized in traditional Chinese medicine, these sharks pose no threat to human safety.

The Great Barrier

The Great Barrier Reef is home to various tropical fish and invertebrates. It is the only living structure visible from the Moon and is almost 2,000 kilometers long.

Because of its vastness, Australia, the massive island between the Pacific and Indian oceans, is considered a continent. 

The Great Barrier Reef is located in its northeast corner and spans 4,000 kilometers from east to west and 3,200 kilometers from north to south. 

This is not done by a single reef but by a network of 2,000 coastal reefs every 8 km2.

Animals and Essential Information

The Banggai Cardinalfish is a carnivore that measures 8.6 cm and is active during the night. 

Identifying the Banggai Cardinalfish is easy due to its white coloration, with black bands running vertically across its body.

This species has large eyes due to its nighttime habits.

In contrast, the Long-Nosed Butterflyfish reaches 20 cm and is an omnivore. It is a pearly white fish with five vertical orange-yellow stripes, featuring a black spot on the fourth stripe to confuse predators.

They have a long mouth that can grow up to 3 cm in length.

The Red Sea

This tropical, warm, and very saline sea between Africa and the Middle East is home to vast coral communities.

The Red Sea, with a surface area of 430,000 km2, gets its name from the presence of a floating red coral, Trichodesmium erythraeum, which appears in red and pink plates on the sea’s surface. 

Its isolation has resulted in endemic species or species that are unique to certain areas.

Animals and Essential Information

The Palette Surgeonfish is 31 cm in length and is an omnivore species, active during the day. 

It is characterized by its body in electric blue, fading to vibrant yellow towards the tail, often with splashes of orange or black.

Do you know why they are referred to as palette surgeonfish? Because the black bands on their bodies create a silhouette resembling a painter’s palette.

Meanwhile, the Zebra Angelfish reaches 40 cm and is also a diurnal omnivore species. 

It features a dark body adorned with vertical white stripes, possibly with yellow or orange-tinted fins, showcasing a tall, flat body with a rounded head.

Their coloring changes as they age. Juveniles are dark blue with light blue semi-circular lines that alternate with white.

Poisonous and Aggressive Fish 

Many fish species have developed defense measures against predators, such as poisons, needles, electrical discharges, or aggressive behavior. 

Some species use vivid colors to warn others of their danger.

Many species that live on coral reefs have developed distinct adaptations for active defense, which can be dangerous to humans even if they appear to be calm, beautiful organisms. 

Some of this medium’s most common defensive adaptations include poisonous needles, electrical discharges, and even violent behavior. 

Some species use vivid colors on their skin to alert others of their danger, while others may change their colors to blend in with the medium surrounding them and even imitate other fish feared in the ecosystem.

Animals and Essential Information

The Devil Firefish is about 35 cm in length and is a carnivorous species. 

It can be identified by its feather-like fins, which resemble Chinese dragons, and the brown and white vertical bands on its body. 

This species uses its big side fins to catch its prey. 

On the other hand, the Stonefish, which can reach up to 40 cm, is also a carnivore species and the world’s most poisonous fish.

A sting from the Stonefish can be lethal within hours, requiring a lengthy healing process lasting months.


When is the best time to visit the aquariums?

Do you need a special ticket to visit the Tropical aquariums?

Is there a charge for entering tropical aquariums?

What does a ticket to the Barcelona Aquarium include?

Can I touch the fish in the Tropical Aquarium?

Can I take photographs in the Tropical Aquarium?

Can I feed the fish in the Tropical Aquarium?

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