Uffizi Gallery Floor Plan: A Detailed Itinerary to Uffizi Rooms and Artworks

The Uffizi Gallery is a U-shaped museum spread over three floors, containing 101 halls, three corridors, and a grand staircase.

On the ground floor, you’ll see the ticket office and main entrances to the museum.

It’s best to start your visit on the top or second floor of the museum.

One of the main reasons to start the visit there is the Grand Staircase, which dates back to the 1500s, when the Medici family built the Uffizi.

If you can’t use stairs, there are small elevators available. These are reserved for

anyone with a physical impairment.

The second floor contains 45 halls, including those of renowned painters like Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Botticelli, and more.

After visiting the second floor, you can grab a snack or drink at the cafe at the end of the second floor, above the Loggia dei Lanzi.

After completing your visit, you can enjoy an amazing view of Palazzo Vecchio and the historic center of Florence.

After this, you can continue your visit to the first floor of the Uffizi Gallery.

Uffizi Gallery Floor Plan: 

The Uffizi Gallery has a total of three floors. The entrance to the Uffizi Gallery is on the ground floor.

Ground Floor:

There are three Uffizi Gallery entrances. One is on the east side of the museum (Door 1), the other on the west (Door 3), and one is the main entry (Door 2).

Visitors with pre-booked reservations can grab paper tickets at Door 3 and enter from Door 1 of the gallery.

At the entrance, you’ll find a great bookstore to your right with art history books, souvenirs, and children’s books.

You’ll find a great bookstore to your right at the entrance with art history books, souvenirs, and children’s books.

Second Floor:

Halls: 1 to 45

According to Italian traditions, you can start your visit from the top floor, also called the second floor in Italy, by accessing the grand staircase.

The second floor contains Hall numbers 1 to 45.

All the Uffizi Gallery halls deserve a visit since each displays priceless artworks.

You’ll find the main hall and some of the most interesting halls on the second floor.

These 45 halls showcase art from the 13th to the 18th centuries, including sculptures from ancient times from the Medici collections in the three corridors.

The Uffizi Gallery rooms, which are dedicated to renowned artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Michelangelo, and Giotto, are located on this floor.

List of All Collections on the Second Floor:

Hall NumberName
1Archeological collection
2Giotto and the 13th century
3Sienese School, 14th century
4Florentine School, 14th century
5-6International Gothic
7Early Renaissance
15Leonardo da Vinci
16Maps Room
17Mathematics room
18The Tribune
19Sienese painters, 15th century
20Mantegna, Bellini, and Antonello
21Venetian painters, 15th century
2215th-century painting in the Emilia and Romagna regions
23Lombard painters, 15th century
24Cabinet of Miniatures
25-32Currently closed for renovation
33Greek Portraits
34Classical art and the San Marco Sculpture Garden
35Michelangelo and Florentine Painting
36-37Hall with ancient inscriptions
38Room of the Hermaphrodite
42Sala delle Niobe
43-45Temporary installations

Must-Visit Uffizi Gallery Rooms on the Second Floor

Some of the most important and interesting Uffizi Gallery rooms are on the second floor.

Hall 2: Giotto and the 13th Century

This Uffizi Gallery Hall reflects a major change in traditional Tuscan and Italian painting at the end of the 13th century.

Most of the artworks there show the influence of Byzantine art, where bodies look 2-D and are highly stylized with sharp outlines.

Three notable masterpieces on wood panels called Maestà, or Majesty, depict the Virgin Mary on a throne. 

They were created by three masters of the 13th century in Italy: Duccio di Buoninsegna, Cimabue, and Giotto.

At that time, Duccio led the Sienese school of painting, focusing on color and decoration over-drawing.

His Maestà, also known as the Madonna Rucellai, was painted in 1285.

The Virgin sits on a beautiful throne, and her face looks mysterious and softens with a hint of a smile.

The heavy decoration typical of Sienese painting can be seen in the golden border of Holy Mary’s garments.

Cimabue is known as the last Italian artist influenced by Byzantine art. He was the teacher of Giotto.

Giotto is considered the true creator of modern painting, leading to the Renaissance.

His Maestà, the Madonna di Ognissanti, painted around 1310, is entirely different from Duccio’s or Cimabue’s.

In this, the Virgin Mary sits on a throne that shapes space and creates a “perspective box,” making figures look physical and, finally, humanized.

There, the subjects appear like real human beings, with both a real body and a real soul, living in the real world.

Halls 5 and 6 International Gothics

The International Gothic Hall shows a different and fancy style of painting called “international” or “flamboyant Gothic.” 

This style, developed in the late 14th and early 15th centuries, reflects the elegant and fairy-tale preferences of the courts.

It features rich clothes, graceful poses, and sophisticated shapes.

You can understand International Gothic better by seeing the Adoration of the Magi by Gentile da Fabriano, created in 1423. 

This masterpiece, commissioned by Palla Strozzi, the wealthiest citizen of Florence, in 1427, exemplifies courteous aesthetics. 

It has a dreamy feel with silver and gold decorations, splendid details, plushy fabrics, and gentle figures.

Another important artist of this style is Lorenzo Monaco, and Hall 5/6 is dedicated to him and other artists of his time.

The Coronation of the Virgin from 1414 shows a crowned Virgin surrounded by saints and a fantastic rainbow above a throne of saints.

He used bright colors and a refined, courteous style. The green background emphasizes the majesty of the artwork.

The new Renaissance style was also emerging, but International Gothic disappeared gradually during this time.

For a longer time, both styles existed with the revolutionary ideals of the Renaissance.

Hall 7: Gentile da Fabriano

Room 7 features important masterpieces from the Early Renaissance, marked by a shift from Gothic style.

Some of the Uffizi Gallery rooms were renovated and reopened in spring 2015. This hall

is one of them.

It is dedicated to Gentile da Fabriano, an artist from the International Gothic period.

Santa Lucia dei Magnoli Altar Piece (c. 1440) by Domenico Veneziano and the Battle of San Romano (c. 1438) by Paolo Uccello are some of the important artworks there.

During the Early Renaissance, art moved away from the Gothic style and focused on perspective, anatomy, light study, and human inner life.

These artworks demonstrate a scientific approach to space and light, marking a revolution in art.

Hall 8: Filippo Lippi 

Hall 8 is another famous Uffizi Gallery room dedicated to one of the protagonists of the early Renaissance: Filippo Lippi.

Flipoo Lippo and his father, Filippino Lippi, were both great artists.

Filippo Lippi was also the first master of Sandro Botticelli, another important painter of the 15th century. 

Some of the most beautiful artworks, such as the Pala del Noviziato altarpiece (c. 1445) and the magnificent Coronation of the Virgin (c. 1439–1447), are located there.

Visitors can also see the painting of the lovely Madonna with a Child and two angels.

Hall 10/14 or the Botticelli Room

This Botticelli Room is famous for showcasing some of Sandro Botticelli’s greatest works. 

His two paintings, “The Birth of Venus” and “The Spring,” are particularly well-known and considered the Renaissance’s essence.

Botticelli was part of the Neo-Platonic Academy in Florence, which Lorenzo de’ Medici led.

This group blended the philosophy of the ancient Greek thinker Plato with Christianity.

According to this thinking, people can choose God, and spiritual growth happens through love, harmony, and ideal beauty.

Botticelli translated these ideas into his paintings with his refined and elegant style.

In addition to Botticelli’s painting, other paintings in the room, such as the Portinari Triptych by Flemish artist Hugo van der, are worth admiring.

Hall 15: Leonardo da Vinci

Hall 15 is famous for showcasing early masterpieces by a young Leonardo da Vinci, painted before he went to Milan in 1482 to work for Duke Ludovico il Moro.

Leonardo was a great artist and scientist who learned from the master Verrocchio.

One displayed work from this time is the Baptism of Christ (c.1470-1475), mainly painted by Verrocchio but showing Leonardo’s touch.

The beautiful Annunciation is another masterpiece where Leonardo’s scientific attention to nature is evident in the detailed wings of the angel and various flowers. 

Though unfinished, the Adoration of the Magi (which is currently under restoration) reveals Leonardo’s emotional intensity and dynamic drawing technique.

In the same room, you can find works by famous masters of the late 15th and early 16th centuries: Perugino, Luca Signorelli, Lorenzo di Credi, and Piero di Cosimo.

Hall 35: Michelangelo and the Florentines

Hall 35 is a newly opened Uffizi Hall. It opened in January 2013.

In this room, you can explore the evolution of art from the “High Renaissance” to “Mannerism.”

You can only see known movable masterpieces by Michelangelo, the Tondo Doni, or the Holy Family with the Infant and St. John the Baptist (c. 1506–1508).

This painting is unique because it’s the only one by Michelangelo in Florence and can be moved—it’s not painted directly on a wall.

The new hall also features works by other artists like Andrea del Sarto, Franciabigio, Francesco Granacci, Fra Bartolomeo, and Alonso Berruguete.

Additionally, you’ll find the Sleeping Ariadne, a Roman sculpture from the second century A.C., placed in the center of the room.

First Floor:

Halls: 46 to 101

The first floor contains hall numbers 46–101.

You’ll see some beautiful halls there, like the “Cabinet of Prints and Drawings” within the Uffizi Collection.

Most of the halls on this floor are dedicated to Spanish, Dutch, and French painters

and renowned artists like Titian, Caravaggio, and Raphel.

On the first floor, you can visit the recently renovated sections of the museum, identified by the colors on the walls: blue and red.

On these walls, you’ll see works by 17th and 18th-century foreign painters, 15th-century Tuscans, and Hellenistic marble sculptures.

This part of the museum contains various halls dedicated to the current temporary exhibit organized within the museum.

You can visit these exhibitions with Uffizi Gallery tickets, including entry to any ongoing exhibitions inside the museum.

List of Halls on the First Floor

Hall NumberName
46Spanish Painters, 16th–18th centuries
47Dutch painters, Leiden, 17th century
48French painters, 17th century
49Dutch painters, Amsterdam, 17th–18th centuries
50Dutch painters, The Hague, 17th century
51French painters, 18th century
52Flemish painters, 17th century
53Dutch painters, Delft & Rotterdam, 17th–18th centuries
54Dutch painters, Haarlem & Utrecht, 17th century
55Flemish painters, 17th century
56Hellenistic Statues
57Andrea del Sarto and the Old School
58Andrea del Sarto
59Friends of Andrea del Sarto
60Rosso Fiorentino
62Vasari & Allori
63Florentine painters, late 16th century
65Bronzino and the Medici
68Painting in Rome, early 16th century
75Giorgione & Sebastiano del Piombo
88Painters of the Lombard School, 16th century
91Bartolomeo Manfredi
92Gherardo delle Notti (Gherard van Honthorst)
93Caravaggesque School
95-99Florentine Painters, 17th century
100Sienese Painters, 17th century
101Guido Reni

Must-Visit Uffizi Gallery Rooms on the First Floor:

The Uffizi Gallery contains various rooms with some of the most amazing paintings to see:

Halls 57 and 58: Andrea del Sarto and Raphael

In the Uffizi Gallery, Halls 57 and 58, also known as the Red Rooms, showcase the remarkable works of two influential artists: Andrea del Sarto and Raphael.

Originally, these works were in Hall 26 on the second floor, but as part of the New Uffizi project, they were relocated here.

Some of Raphel’s artworks are also located in Hall 66 on the same floor.

In Hall 58, one of Andrea del Sarto’s most famous creations, the Madonna of the Harpies (1517), takes center stage.

This painting is based on some verses from the Book of Revelation.

These Uffizi Gallery rooms also contain other artwork by artists such as Pontormo and Vasari.

Hall 66: Raffaelo

Raphael came to this beautiful Tuscan capital, Florence, in 1504 and stayed there until the end of 1508.

During this time, he created some beautiful paintings, like the Madonna of the Goldfinch (around 1505–1566), located in Hall 66 of the Uffizi Gallery.

You can see Leonardo da Vinci’s influence on Raphael, especially in the faded background and the arrangement of figures in a pyramid shape.

However, Raphael has a unique style. His paintings reflect sweetness in the gestures, beautiful faces, and a sense of calmness.

You can see a famous self-portrait by Raphael from around 1506.

There are other artworks, like those of Lorenzo the Magnificent’s son, Pope Leo X, with Cardinals Giulio de’ Medici and Luigi de’ Rossi (1518), and two works by Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio.

Hall 83: New Hall of Tiziano 

Hall 83 is the new long and beautiful hall on the first floor of the Uffizi Gallery.

It is completely dedicated to the leading figure of the Venetian school, Titian, who is well known by his Italian name, Tiziano.

Tiziano Vecellio, a famous portrait artist from 1488 to 1576, was popular among the wealthy and famous European courts of his time.

He’s considered a top figure in Venetian painting, along with his mentors, the Bellini brothers, and his colleague Giorgione, whose work you can see in Hall 75.

In this Uffizi Gallery room, you can see some of Tiziano’s great works, including the famous Venus of Urbino (1538), known for its sophistication and sensuality.

Another precious work, Flora (around 1515–1517), is also on the right as you enter.

This hall has ten works by Tiziano, ranging from portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Urbino to a bishop and pope.

Room 90: Caravaggio

Room 90 at the Uffizi Gallery is dedicated to the famous artist Caravaggio. 

He’s considered one of the greatest in Italian art history and is the pioneer of modern art.

In this room, you can admire Caravaggio’s three most famous paintings.

The first two, Bacchus and Medusa, were created around 1597.

Bacchus is the god of wine, and in the painting, he has the usual symbols like a crown of vines or ivy leaves and a wine cup.

The details, like the transparency of the wine cup, are impressively realistic.

The Medusa painting shows the severed head of Medusa by Perseus, with blood spray and serpent-like hair. Caravaggio cleverly painted it on a shield, making it look 3D.

The Sacrifice of Isaac, from 1603, shows an angel stopping Abraham from a violent act. Isaac’s face clearly expresses the drama of the moment.

The painting represents a more mature stage in Caravaggio’s art.

The Uffizi Gallery Rooms following this one showcase artworks by artists inspired by Caravaggio, like Artemisia Gentileschi, Bartolomeo Manfredi, and Gherardo delle Notti.

Uffizi Gallery Corridors

You can see different statues located in the different corridors of the Uffizi Gallery:

ALorraine Atrium
BEntrance to Vasari Corridor
DTerrace over the Loggia dei Lanzi


How many floors are in Uffizi?

The Uffizi Gallery has a total of three floors.

According to Italian traditions, visitors can enter the museum from the ground floor and start their visit on the second floor.

How many rooms does the Uffizi Museum have?

The Uffizi Gallery has 101 rooms spread across the two floors. 

What’s on the first floor of the Uffizi?

The first floor of the Uffizi Gallery contains 56 halls/rooms. 

Most of the halls on this floor are dedicated to Spanish, Dutch, and French painters and renowned artists like Titian, Caravaggio, Raphel, and others.

What room is Da Vinci Uffizi?

Hall 15 contains the masterpieces by Leonardo Da Vinci.

His famous works like Annunciation and Adoration of the Magi are located in these newly decorated halls of the Uffizi Gallery.

The hall also showcases early masterpieces by young Leonardo da Vinci, like the Baptism of Christ.

What room is the Birth of Venus in?

The famous painting Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli is located in Hall 10/14 on the second floor of the Uffizi Gallery.

Where is room 90 in Uffizi?

Room 90, which is dedicated to Caravaggio and his followers, is located on the second floor of the Uffizi Gallery.

The three most famous paintings, Bacchus, the Head of Medusa, and the Sacrifice of Isaac, are also located in this Uffizi Gallery Room.

What room is Medusa in Uffizi?

The painting of Medusa is located in Room 90 on the second floor of the Uffizi Gallery.

Is there a bathroom in the Uffizi?

Yes, there are washrooms on every floor of the Uffizi Gallery.

The toilets on the ground floor are situated in the basement, directly across the cloakroom.

On the second floor, the toilets are located on the mezzanine beneath the cafeteria.

On the first floor, a toilet is inside the temporary exhibition area. All the toilets are accessible to visitors with disabilities.

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